I’m going way out on a limb here, but I bet I wasn’t the only kid whose report card had notes like this:

“Lots of potential. Needs to apply himself.”  

In fact, an informal survey of my client population and general network showed that tons of entrepreneurs were labeled “high potential” youngsters in school.

Specifically, they were effortless achievers. They got As or Bs… without even studying. Without even trying, really. They breezed through school and exams easily.

They’d never put in the work required to make an A plus though. Why put in the effort when you can breeze through and get decent results regardless, right?

Here’s what’s worse: “high potential” can be fatal to business ambition. Continue reading “Why Having Tons of Potential Puts You at a Serious Disadvantage”

 The term “self-sabotage” is thrown about a lot these days, but it’s only ever meant one thing:

Self-sabotage is when you know you should be doing better – that it would be easy for you to do better, in fact – but you just can’t seem to get motivated.

And it tears you up inside, because you know just how easy it’d be to start getting shit done. You know you’re better than this laziness and slackness, but you just can’t get moving.

So what the hell is going on, exactly?

Continue reading “How to Rejuvenate Motivation When You’re Tapped Dry”

Here’s a post I’ve been trying to write for a while. The only way I could do it was to have a tough day and then free write. So who knows where we’ll end up.

I make mistakes. They’re becoming less and less stupid. And I’m becoming more and more insulated to them – they don’t hurt as much as they used to. So either my mistakes are getting smaller, or I’m getting bigger.

But I still make mistakes. When I do, three things always happen. The same three things that happen when my clients screw up too. You might find they feel familiar. Continue reading “Confessional: My Intuition, Superstition and Denial Problem”

It’s slowly becoming common knowledge amongst business owners: Stay positive and believe in “Abundance”. It’ll make you more successful. The Secret, ya know?

You’ve heard it. Hopefully you’re waking up to the gratitude and abundance movement and using it to make your life and business better. Or has something not quite clicked yet?

Brace yourself for a shocking truth: You can focus on abundance all you want but if you don’t take care of the flip side of the coin, your efforts will be about as effective as “positive thinking” in a war zone. Continue reading “Why Positive Thinking attracts Fear and Sabotage”

Everyone asks me one question: What is the most common psychological issue entrepreneurs struggle with?

The answer is indecision.

At the highest levels of business success, there is just one final obstacle. Procrastination eventually gets beat. Purpose gets discovered. Basic fears get demystified. Only indecision remains.

Those who make good decisions swiftly… win.

Though it’s a skill that is honed over lifetimes, there is a single tactic that you can get to grow your decision making muscles 100X. Overnight. Continue reading “How to guarantee you always make the best decisions”

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