I’m just as obsessed with “leverage” as the next entrepreneur.

We all want to work smart, not hard. Pareto principal and all that. You get it.

My job is to apply leverage principals to therapy and personal development. If there are high leverage business actions that yield disproportionately huge and awesome results, then what are the magic switches of the mind?

I spend my time answering such questions, so you don’t have to.

Imagine a single psychological lever you can hit that’ll result in a rapid and radical transformation. One thing that causes everything to change.

It doesn’t matter if it’s Productivity, Sales Activity, Marketing know-how, Leadership or Financial habits. It could be your health, your relationships… anything!

This article will give you the single psychotherapeutic concept that I believe comes closest to being a magic bullet. You can use it to transform any part of yourself, to dramatically optimize your behavioral habits – and results – as a business owner.

It’s a 1800 word, 9 minute (average) read, so buckle up. It’s gonna be worth it. Continue reading “Why the stories you tell yourself decide your success”

“I will figure it out” 

As far as entrepreneurial quotes go, this one is entirely unremarkable but utterly ubiquitous.

You figure stuff out – as we all do – because you’re an entrepreneur. That means you’re a problem solver. You brainstorm like you’re Thor.

When an ugly obstacle presents itself, you swing into superhero focus – you pull your notebook/smartphone/whiteboard close.

Turns out you’re doing it wrong. New neuroscience research reveals seriously counterintuitive truths about problem solving. This article gives you everything you need to put them into action, so you can solve problems better and bust through business challenges faster. Continue reading “Everything you know about brainstorming is wrong”

This article isn’t for my readers who’re tycoons with empires. Or even those of you rocking small businesses with growing teams.

You people should tune out right now, because the solopreneurs and I have some highly classified information to discuss.

Listen up solopreneurs. I’m talking to you. You’re running a very small business – probably from home – and you’re all by yourself. It’s not easy. In fact, you’re exposed to all kinds of pitfalls other entrepreneurs never even experience.

None of these rusty bear traps are too scary if you know where they lie. But i you aren’t clue up, you’re at serious risk – your small business could be utterly derailed by any of the following three obstacles… Continue reading “How to avoid the traps of Solopreneurship”

When we use willpower to make a hard decision we tap the same barrel of mental resources that our general cognitive processing draws from. And it’s a finite barrel.

In the last two decades, dozens of neuroscience experiments have confirmed this – a finding as startling as it is intuitive.

For entrepreneurs – fighting to make each day more decisive, creative and productive than the last – this insight is a game changer. We now know beyond a shadow of doubt that we’re only good for so many decisions or mental troubleshooting sessions in a day.

Willpower is a precious resource to be husbanded and doled out carefully. Those who get it will leap ahead in profitability and success. This article will show you precisely where and how to do it. Continue reading “How to save and spend your willpower like a pro”

There’s a topic I can count on 100% of my clients to bring up at least once during my tenure as their therapist: Sleep and insomnia.

Entrepreneurs tend to suck at it. We pat ourselves on the back when we quit the 9-to-5. It feels great, but comes with nasty side effects that kick in around 11pm – running your own business is stressful.

Maybe you lie awake with a million ideas spinning around your skull. Maybe you doze off and jolt awake, desperately trying to make yourself not forget some important detail. Or, maybe you’re just worried and you go to bed thinking dark thoughts about your business future.

Self employment and good sleep is NOT a mutually exclusive choice you have to make. This article breaks down everything you need to simultaneously captain your own ship and get a fantastic night’s rest.  Continue reading “Entrepreneurial Insomnia: How to Shut Off Your Brain When You Can’t Stop Thinking”

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Commit Action’s Executive Aide service helps business owners become the highest leverage version of themselves possible.

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