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Here is a quick way to get rid of your prospects fear

This psychological (but simple) sales technique is being used by some of the world’s top entrepreneurs, including a bunch of personal development and internet marketing gurus.

Fear of being let down, disappointed or ripped off is the biggest roadblock to any successful sale.  This technique literally eliminates “prospect fear” by building a very unique kind of trust.

The strategy is unique because not too many marketers, salespeople or entrepreneurs are using it yet. They will be soon.

Hear it here first…

If we look back at marketing and sales strategies that have produced mega-huge results, a certain style of selling starts to become obvious:

Total confidence

As entrepreneurs, we want people to believe that our products and services are going to give them what they want and need… solutions to their problem.

We need them to be totally certain that this will be the case – so the obvious way to do that, is to sell with our best foot forward.

Irresistable offers, Iron-Clad Guarantees, Risk Reversal and gushing Testimonials are all fantastic techniques to make your offer look like something unbelievably-freakin’-incredible.

Here’s the problem

Consumers have wised up. Potential buyers out there are getting street smart… and now more than ever, there are thousands of these “incredible” deals out there -  all competing for attention.

When everyone offers  a “100% guarantee” the impact is lost.

As consumers, we assume there are con-artists out there (which there are) so we guess (rightly so) that those con-men are offering 100% money-back guarantees… since, after all, everyone else is doing it. The result? 100% guarantee alone means nothing, because we know con-artists use ’em.

What can you do about it?

To be successful in business, your primary offer… whatever it is you do… has to cut through the thousands of other “amazing” offers and be unique and believable.

The good news is this: You can be believable, build rapport with your prospects and easily get attention by doing one simple thing…

Admit your flaws.

Not personal flaws… I’m talking product/service flaws.

If you tell your prospect what is wrong with your product, what you’re working on improving and specifically, who this is never going to be right for… an incredible thing happens.

You sound human.

You feel Believable.

You stick out from the crowd.

It takes guts because most business owners would rather eat off their arm than admit flaws… simply for fear of all the business they’ll turn away.

And to be honest, admitting flaws will turn away some prospects – this is a good thing, because the people who become uninterested are the ones who would have big problems with those flaws!

It’s kind of logical, isn’t it.

Be unique by admitting you’re not perfect: Make it clear that there is a “small catch” (those two words are magic for building rapport).

My iron clad GUARANTEE to you: If you make your product’s flaws an obvious part of your sales and marketing, you’ll get more and more quality customers. Both you and them will end up happier.

There is a small catch: You have to throw yourself and your business at this 100% – there’s no half-way job on being honest about oneself and one’s business.

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