The title of this article is a lie and a trick. This article is really about the dangers of marketing to the lowest common denominator.

This is a rant post. The headline I just used to ensnare your attention (thank you for it, by the way, and please bear with me) is just one trademark example of a whole school of sleazy marketing.

That it’s sleazy isn’t news. What you may not know is just how lethally dangerous this type of marketing can be to your business. Continue reading “Someone offered me $50k not to publish this”

There’s always an “inside” and an “outside”. Business success is no different  – some people get elevated to the upper echelon of the business world. Others languish outside in the cold.

This article exposes a game-changing new tool that’ll give you everything you need to rocket yourself to stellar business success, ensuring you’re never picked last for the team again… metaphorically or otherwise. You’ll get everything you need to establish yourself as the cool-kid in your industry. Plus, the financial rewards that go with it.

Read on, because I’m revealing the insider’s tactic that I built my entire career on. And, I’m gonna pitch you something incredible. AND, there are some insane-o freebies up for grabs.  Continue reading “How to join the entrepreneurial aristocracy”

This post has been a long time coming. My experience on the Summit boat blew my mind to the extent that I needed a few weeks back in Sydney to fully comprehend this game changing event.

For those of you who haven’t heard of the Summit Series, allow me to bring you up to speed… Continue reading “Summit at Sea 2011 – The new trend in business is impact”

(This shot taken by me on a crappy Sony point-&-shoot at Cardrona, looking back over the McKenzie ranges. Total powder porn.)

The secret to success in corporate consulting is simple: Be everywhere, all the time. Have lunch with as many CEOs as possible and know about all the challenges they’re facing. Be aware of their problems before they are. Right when things are at their worst? Swoop in with a solution and make the sale.

It was that approach that earned me a, “Peter, we need you. Send us the bill,” status with hundred million dollar businesses.

In other words, it earned me a comfortable income.

But one night, I wasn’t comfortable. It was freezing outside, high in the southern alps of New Zealand. The snow was falling, and I had convinced James Chartrand to spend a few minutes talking business strategy with me on the phone.

Continue reading “How I went from Corporate Schmoozing to Internet Success in 6 months”

Price point. What to charge. Every entrepreneur has experienced a moment of agonizing indecision as they hover over numbers with dollar signs attached.

All business owners think carefully about what they charge. Should you end your figure with a seven or a five? Go top shelf or bargain basement? Have half the customers at double the price or double the customers at half the price?

Pricing is crucial. In fact, what you charge will make or break your business. Higher prices simply work better. Here’s seven psychological reasons why…

Continue reading “Why People Want to Pay You More: 7 Reasons Doubling Your Rates Doubles Success”

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