You should raise your prices.

It’s a business cliche. Those five words of advice are so frequently dished out by successful entrepreneurs, it hurts. If you’re on the receiving end, it’s the most frustrating tip imaginable.

Because you can’t just put up your rates. You’ll lose customers. There will be riots. It’s okay for some, but not for your business. This is what struggling business owners keep telling themselves.

Yet you keep hearing (and repeating) the same advice. You should raise your prices. Yes, you should.

This article breaks down the three specific strategies you need to rocket your rates into the stratosphere. Without losing business because of it.  Continue reading “3 Techniques to raise prices sky high without losing customers”

Creative people aren’t the most financially successful. There I said it.

The creative folks, the artists of the business world, are those who have the most trouble their bills.

I’ve worked with some very financially successful people, many of whom have attributed their massive (ridiculous) success to being “too stupid to give up” and “so unimaginative that hard work was the only option”. Those are actual client quotes.

Creative types over-think and over-analyze, get caught up in their craft and sometimes totally loathe the more commercial parts of their businesses. Until now, that is.  Continue reading “How to make money despite being creative”

Business is built on relationships. It doesn’t matter how weird your industry is or how of “independent” you think you are.

Entrepreneurs get ahead by connecting with the right people. It’s only then that serendipitous magic can happen.

This quick-fire post breaks down the foundational principal behind “rapport” – that magical state where people seem to just *get* (and like) one another. Figure this one tactic out and your network (and whole business) will rocket.  Continue reading “Instant Charisma – The psychology of rapport revealed”

There’s always an “inside” and an “outside”. Business success is no different  – some people get elevated to the upper echelon of the business world. Others languish outside in the cold.

This article exposes a game-changing new tool that’ll give you everything you need to rocket yourself to stellar business success, ensuring you’re never picked last for the team again… metaphorically or otherwise. You’ll get everything you need to establish yourself as the cool-kid in your industry. Plus, the financial rewards that go with it.

Read on, because I’m revealing the insider’s tactic that I built my entire career on. And, I’m gonna pitch you something incredible. AND, there are some insane-o freebies up for grabs.  Continue reading “How to join the entrepreneurial aristocracy”

(This shot taken by me on a crappy Sony point-&-shoot at Cardrona, looking back over the McKenzie ranges. Total powder porn.)

The secret to success in corporate consulting is simple: Be everywhere, all the time. Have lunch with as many CEOs as possible and know about all the challenges they’re facing. Be aware of their problems before they are. Right when things are at their worst? Swoop in with a solution and make the sale.

It was that approach that earned me a, “Peter, we need you. Send us the bill,” status with hundred million dollar businesses.

In other words, it earned me a comfortable income.

But one night, I wasn’t comfortable. It was freezing outside, high in the southern alps of New Zealand. The snow was falling, and I had convinced James Chartrand to spend a few minutes talking business strategy with me on the phone.

Continue reading “How I went from Corporate Schmoozing to Internet Success in 6 months”

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